Addressing climate change will require fundamental societal, organizational, and behavioral changes on a global scale. The Greenhouse Gas Management Institute (GHGMI) is dedicated to creating an ever-improving professional society composed of internationally recognized, highly competent, and unquestionably ethical professionals that provide the foundation and leadership for greenhouse gas management globally.
Founded in 2007, GHGMI builds and supports a global community of experts and institutions with the highest standards of professional practice in measuring, accounting for, auditing, and managing greenhouse gas emissions, meeting the needs of governments, corporations, and organizations large and small.
We educate countries, organizations, and communities on the basics of GHG accounting, auditing, and management, train professionals to meet the highest standards of expertise and ethical conduct, and conduct forward-looking research into critical GHG measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV) issues.
GHGMI also partners with other nonprofits worldwide, public agencies, and small and medium-sized enterprises in developing countries. We collaborate with other organizations in various regions of the world to provide training in multiple languages and in ways that address local conditions.